







恒信旅游公司客户服务管理信息系统使用C#语言,采用基于 MVVM模式的ASP.NET技术进行开发,使用 VisualStudio 编译器编写,数据方面主要采用的是微软的SQL Server关系型数据库来作为数据存储媒介,配合ASP.NET技术完成系统的开发。

关键词:ASP.NET技术;SQL Server;客户服务管理信息系统


With the arrival of the internet trend, various industries are considering using the internet to promote themselves. The best way is to establish their own internet system, maintain and manage it. In practical application, the working rules and development steps of the application software are constructed using ASP. NET technology to build the customer service management information system of Hengxin Tourism Company.

This design mainly implements a customer service management information system for Hengxin Tourism Company that combines the advantages of humanization, efficiency, and convenience. It completes functional modules such as system homepage, public management, user management, tourism information, tourism routes, hot spots, reservation information, and online consultation. The system communicates with the server through a browser to achieve data interaction and changes. You only need to use a computer and move your fingers to operate the system, achieving data communication management. The entire system design process fully considers issues such as data security, stability, and reliability, and the operation process is simple. This system improves work efficiency and reduces errors and omissions in data storage through scientific management and convenient services.

The customer service management information system of Hengxin Tourism Company uses C # language, develops with ASP.NET technology based on MVVM mode, and compiles with Visual Studio compiler. In terms of data, it mainly uses Microsoft's SQL Server relational database as the data storage medium, and completes the system development with ASP.NET technology.

Keywords:ASP. NET technology; SQL Server; Customer Service Management Information System

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