国际媒体本周四暴光了Epic Games《真幻竞技场3(Unreal Tournament 3)》新版补丁法度细节。幻竞古后次公布的技场黄金首饰加工调剂细节去看,那款补丁尾要对游戏体系设定停止劣化。新版细节黄金首饰加工没有过,补丁玩家能够经由过程那款新补丁获得自止设定兵器射击准星的幻竞齐新服从。
* filter settings are now saved to the .ini file.
* fixed UTUIComboBox's editbox and list getting out of sync (editbox text could end up not matching the list's selected item)
* fixed changing gametype via combobox on server browser tab causing filter settings to be clobbered
* changed default value for "Pure Server" and "Locked Server" filter options to be more lenient (show more servers by default)
* Fixed ping values shown in scoreboard
* Don't show ping for bots
* Fixed Miplevel spam when applying patch to dedicated server build.
* Fixed dedicated server getting removed from the master server list if the first player to join fails authentication.
* Bringing up the midgame menu now pauses demo playback.
* Players now stop moving if they fire the Redeemer altfire.
* Fixed joining a passworded server via the server history tab not prompting for the password.
* Fixed viper and scorpion self destruct death strings.
* Fixed when the player tries to cancel a "Delete Demo" the demo still gets deleted.
* Fixed HTTP redirection
* Fixed download cache clobbering files that had just been written in some cases
* Increased default download cache size
* Fixed FOV option when patching old .ini's
* Fixed crash when exiting the editor.
* Smaller/simpler simple crosshair.
* Added the ability to delete saved messages
* Implemented DUEL match stat reporting for gamespy ladder.
* Fixed an exploit in CTF-OmicronDawn that allowed players to get outside the world.
* Fix for hole in WAR-Islander where players could get stuck
* Fixed orb rebuilding not being played correctly on clients if the orb was destroyed by an enemy player.
* Fixed flickering when downloading files.
* Don't reduce tickrate when travelling with no players - fixes server hanging for long durations on EnvyEntry.
* Fixed custom characters not working correctly when playing back demos
* Added the ability to specify custom simple crosshair coordinates for weapons, with new config properties bUseCustomCoordinates and CustomCrosshairCoordinates.
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