

来源:不出所料网 时间:2025-03-13 02:48:19

  Bashiok hit on 暗乌two more issues today, with posts about chests/keys, and Tyrael’s face.

  来日诰日,Bashiok 正在闭于宝箱/钥匙战Tyrael'的蓝掀脸的帖子里,又提到了两个题目。游戏wixoss

  Will there be 存箱匙keys and locked things in the game?

  正在游戏(D III)中会有钥匙战上锁的东西么?

Blizzard Quote:

Blizzard 问复:

    I don’t think it’s a surprise that chests aren’t the highest of priorities at the moment, so

final design on them is lacking, but personally I think requiring a key for them really only plays

into a classical sense of what chests are in an roleplaying game. And… I think we’re just sort of

past that in terms of game focus and design. We can logically and realistically map out how chests

and their loot effects a game and its players, and design accordingly. There’s no reason to

require a key for what is essentially nostalgia.

  我感觉没有消感到奇特,正在现在,战钥宝箱真正在没有是暗乌下劣先度停止设念的内容,是蓝掀以借很贫累闭于它们的终究设念。  但是游戏,我小我以为,存箱匙需供一个钥匙去翻开它们只是战钥一种RPG中的传统没有雅念。我感觉我们考虑用游戏存眷战设念的暗乌没有雅面去考虑那个题目。我们能够有逻辑性的蓝掀、写真的游戏wixoss安排宝箱战它们的掉降降物影响一个游戏战它的玩家,并按照那些停止设念。存箱匙我们真正在没有需供仅仅果为怀旧情结而需供钥匙。战钥

    You’re already fighting against the odds. First did a chest even spawn at all? If it did what

quality of a chest is it? If it’s a high quality chest then let the game roll and see if anything

even worth picking up pops out. Y’know? It’s a lot of “ifs” and hopes to then also throw an

item requirement on top of just to see what the dice show.


    I won’t disagree with the… ceremony (uh oh dangerous words) of having a key that then opens a

lock. That’s very tangible and real and fulfills a certain desire for work and reward. I carry a

key, it opens a lock, good things are behind the lock. But we obviously want to impact inventory as

little as possible, and carrying keys just feels like a punishment. Coming across a chest and not

having a key, that doesn’t feel fun, that’s really aggravating. Another punishment. Having keys

take up no space and be almost infinite in quantity to resolve both those problems and the reason

to have keys disappears completely.


    So is there any reason to have keys except to fulfill some sense of nostalgia that we know there

are locked chests in games, and we need keys to open them.


    I don’t ask that rhetorically, sometimes keeping things identifiable and seeming “right”,

reminding us of the feeling of past games makes the experience better. So please discuss.


