Sandrock Roadmap 2.0
Howdy all,
What do you think of Logan Strikes Back!? Due to optimization, we have postponed some things that were planned for early June. And we've received a lot of feedback from all of you since the new big update, which we've been reading and discussing. Then, we adjust and confirm the next Three updates, let's see what will happen soon.
End of Sep./Early Oct.
This regular update is mostly about the stables, which should be featured in Logan Strikes back! Please understand that it was pushed back due to optimization.
-Add the stables and some hotfix;
Late Oct./Early Nov.
It doesn't include the main story but is all about features and systems (because voice acting takes time).
-Add pet system: We’re trying to make the new pet system be different from Portia’s, more details coming later;
-Add Show House option to workshop customization (base version): If you don't want to spend time customizing your home, you can choose from preset model homes. This is the basic version, more will be added later.
-Add the Reply feature, you can reply to whoever sends you emails;
-Add more interactions, e.g. hug and kiss
-Add more wall and roof appearances in the workshop cutomization
-Add some functional furniture
-Add Sand Running suits
-Add some new fishes
-Adjust the knowledge system, including the function and stats
Late Nov./Early Dec.
This updates the main story and includes some new features and systems
-Add new main stories
-Add 3 new main stories’ dungeons
-Add 1 new mining dungeon
-Add Fang's story and unlock his romance feature once you've completed his story
-Add some NPCs’ romance stories
-Add some new Sandfishing spots, as well as the advanced sandfish trap
-Add the face lifting function
-Add weathers: raining and snowing
-Add some relics, as well as the behavior of NPC visiting antiquities/relics
Roadmap 2.0 is our newly adjusted roadmap towards to the December. This is just a preview of some important updates, so it doesn't include details. After these features are previewable, we will announce more.
As much as we can, we will strive to meet these goals. But alterations may have to be made during development sometimes. When there is a change, we will notify everyone as soon as possible.
Thanks to all builders. Your support and patience always give us confidence and strength. Let's make Sandrock better together!