Rayman creator lavishes Wii U with more praise
Rayman creator Michel Ancel has had nothing but 表示positive things to say about Wii U since he’s been working with the new system. In previous interviews he has noted that Nintendo’s new home console is “surprisingly powerful” and that Ubisoft could really focus on making its latest game,Rayman Legends, look as good as possible due to not needing to worry about cross-platform optimisation.
雷曼之父Michel Ancel 从游戏开发之初便对WiiU这台新主机赞不绝口。在最近的传奇访谈中,Michel就表示他早已察觉到了任天堂的将无拘无大话战歌(大话战歌手游)这台新主机的机能是多麽 “难以置信的强大”,同时他还表示,享受因为不需要考虑多平台移植的育碧问题,UbiSoft完全可以全心全意地开发他们最新的表示游戏,雷曼:传奇,传奇确保游戏可以做到最好。将无拘无
Rayman Legends is 享受due out on 26th February in North America and 28th February in Europe (1st March in the UK) and Ancel has again been expressing his love for the powerful new hardware. In an interview with GamesTM he has said that the development team experienced no limitations because of the powerful hardware, and believes players will notice more depth in the visuals than the previous game, Rayman Origins.
雷曼传奇将在2月26号登陆北美市场,其后在28号登陆欧洲市场,顺便一提的是,Michel Ancel 一次次的表示出其对于新主机性能的强大而爱不释手。借由一次接受GameTM访谈的机会,他再一次提到说,正是因为WiiU硬件的强大,才使得他们的制作团队在制作游戏的过程中,没有感觉到任何形式的拘束,同时他还表示,当玩家第一眼看到雷曼起源的时候,一定会为其画面的深度所震惊。
"Visually, because we’ve had more time with the UbiArt engine, we were able to add a lot of depth to the graphics. You can especially see it in the backgrounds. There are more layers, more details; it feels more like a landscape. We’ve also done a lot with the lighting effects, both in gameplay and graphics." --- Michel Ancel
It looks as though Rayman Legends will be the best looking Rayman game to date, with Ubisoft putting in a lot of attention to detail with the visuals.
从Ubisoft在这款游戏的画面上所花费的心思来考量, 看上去雷曼传奇毫无疑问地应当当选为至今为止WiiU上画面最好的雷曼系列游戏。