
《暗乌粉碎神3》民圆 新怪物:食腐者(Scavenger)

来源:不出所料网 时间:2025-03-13 00:15:21




Encounter With Burrowing Death,暗乌1 76金币复古传奇 PART1

From the writings of Abd al-Hazir   

Entry No.004

去自Abd al-Hazir的足稿                  

QUOTE: As I began to fall, Burroughs grabbed me by the scruff of my collar and shook me violently. "You really want to feed some thresher, don't you, al-Hazir?" he asked. "What, haven't you seen scavengers before?"



QUOTE: I had indeed seen scavengers: small, burrowing creatures that feed upon carrion. Unlike most animals of this type, however, they are extremely aggressive and will not hesitate to attack those unfortunate enough to encounter them. Scavengers have powerful legs which they use for swift springing attacks, striking at vulnerable faces and throats. Their anatomy bears a striking resemblance to that of the leapers of the Aranoch desert, and thus, many researchers classify the two groups as part of the same family of creatures. An ensorcelled (some say demonic) variant is known to have plagued adventurers in the Tristram region twenty-odd years ago as well. Scavengers were also the cause of an extremely distressing episode during my youth, which I need not relate at this juncture.



QUOTE: "Yep. Burrowers to catch a burrower," he said. He then took the lengths of rope hanging from the cage and impaled them on the ground using a heavy pike. He also attached what looked like long knives to the sides of his heavy, scarred boots, and drove the blades into the ground.



QUOTE: "You'd better get out of the way." And with that, while holding onto the ropes, he undid the latching mechanism on the side of the cage. He then threw it out onto the sand. The cage exploded outward with the scavengers' frantic attempts to escape their confines. I barely had time to wonder how Burroughs had been able to get the collars (that the ropes were attached to) around the scavengers' necks before the vicious beasts had burrowed into the soft ground.



QUOTE: I was extremely tense by this point. I felt naked and exposed. What insanity had convinced me that coming out here was a good idea?



QUOTE: I looked out over the wastes in the fading light, trying to detect the telltale horned fins of the thresher cutting through the surface of the sand.



QUOTE: With absolutely no warning, the dune thresher violently broke the surface, all three scavengers caught in his horrifying maw. There was a massive explosion of sand as the thresher dove back into the ground with its prize. The ropes immediately snapped taut, and I thought Burroughs would be pulled to his death. I didn't understand how he thought he could reel in a monster that huge, but he wasn't even trying ? just holding on.


出有任何的前兆沙丘少尾鲛卤莽的挨碎了空中,3只食腐者皆被它那骇人的大年夜颚松松咬住.少尾鲛带着他的战利品重新潜进空中,激起了一场巨大年夜的沙爆.统统的绳索刹时被咬的松松绷直,我觉得Burroughs会被活活拖下往逝世掉降.我没有明bai ?他为何会以为本身能够推起那么大年夜的怪物,没有过他乃至出有测验测验往回推,只是站正在本天对峙着.

QUOTE: After several tense seconds that stretched towards eternity, the rope began making weird jerking motions.



QUOTE: "Ah. The little buggers are doing their work." He smiled a ghastly smile. "Shouldn't be long now."



QUOTE: A few more moments of this strangeness passed, and the thrashing of the ropes became less and less. Finally, he began to haul his catch in. When it was partially on the rocks, I could see what had happened. The thresher had swallowed the scavengers whole, and they, in turn, had begun eating their way out of the thresher's stomach before the beast's digestive juices had killed them. One scavenger still clung to life, but barely. It had actually dug itself halfway out of the thresher, clawing at the air as its skin was slowly eaten away. I vomited.


绳索诡同的扭动延绝了一会女,以后绳索的扭动变得愈去愈小.最后,他开端推足中的绳索.当一少尾鲛身材的一部分被推到岩石上以后,我终究能够或许明bai ?刚才产逝世了甚么.少尾鲛把食腐者活活吞了下往,以后,正在被少尾鲛的消化液杀逝世之前,那些食腐者顺次把少尾鲛的胃吃脱了,跑了出往.一只食腐者借凭借正在少尾鲛的活体中,没有过便快出去了.它真际上正从少尾鲛体内往中挖,已挖到半路了.少尾鲛的爪子徐苦的正在氛围中治抓,它的皮肤正正在被一面一面的吃掉降.我呕吐了起去.

QUOTE: Burroughs, laughing at me once again as he cut off the beast's triangular head, began lecturing me on the amazing dune thresher: the dynamics of its jutting, angular lower jaw, which cuts a path through the soil; the way this jaw design enables the thresher to swim effortlessly beneath the sand with unimaginable swiftness; and much more that I didn't care to hear just then. I nodded my head weakly and wondered how long it would be before I could politely get myself home and crawl into bed.



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